Suppose I have the following data in a single column (I've placed it in a row to save space but we alwasy work with it in a column): 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Each number represents a differents species, and the number of each number represents the number of individuals of that species identified in the sample set (so in the above set there were two individuals of species "7"). I want to take repeatedly sample 10 individuals from the above set, AND THEN run Simpson's/Shannon's diversity index individually on each replicate, AND THEN determine a mean diversity based on the diversity of all individual replicates. I'm a major beginner at SAS, from what I can tell I have proprietary software 9.3 with enhanced analytical products in the 12.1-12.2 region. I've figured out how to do the repeated sampling using the following: ********************************* proc surveyselect data = arrival method = urs sampsize = 10 rep = 10 out = my_data; run; ********************************* Can someone help me with the rest of the steps please? p.s. I also don't know if my method of analysis is statistically viable, it is my attempt to compare the genetic diversity of two populations for each of which we have a different number of samples. The different sample sizes prevent direct comparison of genetic diversity, so I thought we could subsample the larger set down to the size of the smaller set. If you have a big sexy statistical brain I would appreciate comments on this idea as well.
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