Hi Guys, I have an input sas program where i have all my libnames declared.I am reading that into a sas dataset.while doing that its reading commented out values too.And i don't want those commented code into my sas dataset. I would like to remove the comments from my dataset whether the comments are made in one single line or multiple lines. the code looks like this: Libname sample1 "XYZ"; Libname sample2 "ABC"; /*Libname sample3 "asdfghjj";*/ Libname sample4 "uxcvdgh"; /*commented out Libname sample5 "XYZasdf"; Libname sample6 "XYZasdfgb";**/ Libname sample7 "XYZdefrgevsdc"; Requirement:Without editing the source file i.e., above sample code i would like the output like this in sas dataset: obs var1 1 Libname sample1 "XYZ" 2 Libname sample2 "ABC" 3 Libname sample4 "uxcvdgh" 4 Libname sample7 "XYZdefrgevsdc"; Thanks For the Help
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