Hi SAS gurus, I am having a problem using proc freq out= to generate a new dataset. I have 5 variables in the original dataset (Dummy) and I am using sas proc freq procedure to generate some frequency counts and generate a new dataset, but also want to have all 5 variables from the original dataset 'Dummy' into this new dataset egenrated by using proc freq out option. ex. my original dataset has Name, Gender, County, Race, Address after using proc freq data=dummy; tables gender/out=test; run; I will have only Gender (male/Female, Freq, Percent, CumFreq, CumPercent) in 'test' dataset. But I want Gender, Race, Address, County and Name along with Freq and Percent from the test dataset. So the new dataset 'test' should have 5+2 variables in it. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you so much, Malathi
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