Hi all, I need a hand in producing a bar chart that is Manhattan-like. X-axis is one of the variables in my dataset and Y-axis should be generated automatically with a suitable low/high limits where these limits would be again taken from the values of the variables represented by the bar chart. I tried to attach an Excel sheet that shows exactly what I mean (3 series of data [3 variables PCT_222, PCT_233, PCT_244) all together in the same plot and their X-axis is a variable called (Class) while their Y-axis is generated automatically using their values all together), but I was unable to due to the fact that the third shows .xlsx as invalid extension. Therefore, I attached a PDF that is generated by the Excel sheet. I'm not sure if this is direct in SAS or not and I hope so.I searched before writing here but could not find any useful resource which shows somthing similar to my requirement and a straight answer to it. Therefore, I hope the Graph/ODS experts here can assit in resolving this problem which might turned to be a trivial one. Regards
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