I have this loop within proc sql that iterates the dataset pulling ranges of deciles to export to files by decile range. The loop works, but including proc export, the loop continues but ony creates the first file. This is contrary towhat I read in https://communities.sas.com/t5/Base-SAS-Programming/Export-multiple-tables-from-SAS-to-csv/td-p/27090. %macro t(); proc sql outobs=10; select max(row) into :n from Temp7.Deciles; %do i=1 %to &n.; %put &i; select seg_n, start_decile, end_decile, file_n, file_nQ into :seg_n, :start_decile,:end_decile, :file_n,:file_nQ from Temp7.Deciles where row = &i; /*create table temp7.&seg_0_100.*/ CREATE TABLE Temp7.&seg. AS select distinct GST_REF_I, sales_str, sales_web, total_sales, &seg_n. as segment_id, pull_date from SLS_RANK where seg_n =&segnameQ. /*parent_seg_n to prevent pulling data for a failed previous run*/ and overall_quantile between &start_decile. and &end_decile. ; ); proc export data=Temp7.&seg. (keep=gst_ref_i segment_id pull_date) outfile="&path./&file_n." dbms=dlm replace; delimiter='|'; run; %end; quit; %mend t;
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