Hey there, as the title says, handling many large and heterogeneous datasets has its difficulties. When applying this: DATA &name.;
SET &name.;
ARRAY ch(*) _character_;
DO _n_ = 1 TO dim(ch);
ATTRIB ch(_n_) INFORMAT=$32. FORMAT=$32.;
ch(_n_) = coalescec(ch(_n_), 'NA'); /*replace empty cells with NA*/
ch(_n_) = tranwrd(ch(_n_), "Unknown", 'NA'); /*replace "Unknown" entries with NA*/
ch(_n_) = tranwrd(ch(_n_), '.', 'NA'); /*replace dots with NA*/
RUN; I am confident that all empty cells, all "Unknown" and all dots get replaced by an "NA". However, sometimes only an "N" instead of "NA" will appear in a certain column since it is formatted to not have more than that one character. Is there a way to solve this issue elegantly? Maybe even a whole different approach? Thanks
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