Thanks ChrisNZ, for the idea of annotating. 1. However, even with annotation the scale changes the colours automatically: eg Yield and Yield2 graphs generated using the following code: /*-----------------------------------------------------------------* * Name: * * Title: Draw color 3D surface plot with contours in X-Y plane * Doc: *-----------------------------------------------------------------* * Original author: Russ Wolfinger * * Author: Michael Friendly <> * * Created: 26 Oct 2006 09:59:00 * * Revised: 26 Oct 2006 09:59:00 * * Version: 1.0 * * * *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*= =Description: The SURFACE macro draws a 3D color-coded surface plot, showing a contour plot in the X-Y plane. The result is most useful for smooth surfaces, e.g., for functional relations, Z=f(X,Y), bivariate density estimates computed with PROC KDE, or with the result of PROC G3GRID. ==Method: The surface and the contour plot are constructed using filled polygons in Annotate datasets. The contour is identical to the surface, with the Z coordinate set to the constant 'floor'. =Usage: The SURFACE macro is defined with keyword parameters. The X=, Y= and Z= parameters are required. The arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated by commas. For example: %surface(x=temperature, y=pressure, z=yield); ==Parameters: * DATA= The name of the input data set [Default: DATA=_LAST_] * X= X variable for plot [Default: X=X] * Y= Y variable for plot [Default: Y=Y] * Z= Z variable for plot [Default: Z=Z] * WHERE= Where clause to subset the data * COLORS= Color scheme (HLS|HLSllss) or list of colors. COLORS=HLS generates NLEVELS= colors varying in hue in the HLS color scheme Hhhh80FF. COLORS=HLSllss, where llss are hex digits, generates HLS colors with lightness ll and saturations ss. Otherwise, COLORS= is taken as a blank separated list of SAS colors of length NLEVELS=. [Default: COLORS=HLS] * NLEVELS= Number of levels for color [Default: NLEVELS=12] * TICKNUM= Number of tick marks on axes. Specify 1-3 values, for X, Y and Z. [Default: TICKNUM=5] * DROP= Amount to drop contour plot beneath lowest z-value, in data units. [Default: DROP=1] * TILT= G3D TILT= value(s): One or more numbers giving the number of degrees to tilt the plot. [Default: TILT=75] * ROTATE= G3D ROTATE= value(s): One or more numbers giving the number of degrees to rotate the plot. [Default: ROTATE=40] * FUZZ= Fuzz value for binning X, Y [Default: FUZZ=1E-6] * OPTIONS= REVERSE and/or NOGRID. When COLORS=HLS, OPTIONS=REVERSE reverses the assignment of colors to heights (Z= values) in the plot. * ANNO= Additional input annotate data set * OUTANNO= Output annotate data set used with G3D [Default: OUTANNO=SURFANNO] * GOUT= The name of the graphics catalog [Default: GOUT=GSEG] * NAME= The name of the graph in the graphic catalog [Default: NAME=SURFACE] =Example: *-- Generate bivariate normal data; data bivar; do i = 1 to 10000; x = rannor(2140); y = -x + 3* rannor(2140); output; end; run; *-- Do bivariate density estimation; proc kde data=bivar out=kdeout; var x y; run; %include macros(surface); %surface(data=kdeout, x=x, y=y, z=density, where=-3<x<3) =*/ /*--- Title: Draw color 3D surface plot with contours in X-Y plane macro to draw color surface plot with contours underneath, code modified from Example 6 in SAS/GRAPH Examples book, version 6, supported by Russ Wolfinger ( ---*/ %macro surface( data=, /* name of input data set */ x=x, /* X variable for plot */ y=y, /* Y variable for plot */ z=z, /* Z variable for plot */ where=, /* where clause to subset the data */ colors=HLS, /* color scheme (HLS) or list of colors */ nlevels=12, /* number of levels for color */ ticknum=5, /* number of tick marks on axes */ drop=1, /* amount to drop contour plot beneath lowest z-value */ tilt=75, /* G3D TILT= value */ rotate=40, /* G3D ROTATE= value */ scatopt=, /* Any other options for the G3D SCATTER stmt */ fuzz=1e-6, /* fuzz value for binning X, Y */ options=, /* REVERSE and/or NOGRID */ anno=, /* additional input annotate data set */ outanno=surfanno, /* output annotate data set used with G3D */ gout=gseg, /* name of output graphic catalog */ name=surface /* name of graphic catalog entry */ ); /*---default data set---*/ %if %bquote(&data)= %then %let data=&syslast; %local me; %let me=&sysmacroname; %if (%length(&x)=0 or %length(&y)=0 or %length(&z)=0 ) %then %do; %put ERROR: (&me) You must supply X=, Y= and Z= variable names; %goto DONE; %end; %let options = %qupcase(&options); %*-- Parse COLORS=HLS or COLORS=HLSllss; %let colors = %qupcase(&colors); %if %substr(&colors,1,3) = HLS %then %do; %if %length(&colors) = 3 %then %let llss=80FF; %else %let llss=%substr(&colors,4); %let colors=HLS; %end; %let xtick = %scan(&ticknum &ticknum &ticknum, 1); %let ytick = %scan(&ticknum &ticknum &ticknum, 2); %let ztick = %scan(&ticknum &ticknum &ticknum, 3); options nonotes; /*---compute ranges for the three coordinates---*/ proc means data=&data noprint min max; %if %length(&where) %then %do; where &where; %end; var &x &y &z; output out=_range min=xmin ymin zmin max=xmax ymax zmax; run; /*---set up macro variables for the ranges---*/ %local xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax floor ceil zstep; data _null_; set _range; call symput('xmin', put(xmin,best.)); call symput('xmax', put(xmax,best.)); call symput('ymin', put(ymin,best.)); call symput('ymax', put(ymax,best.)); call symput('zmin', put(zmin,best.)); call symput('zmax', put(zmax,best.)); zrange = zmax - zmin; call symput('floor',put((zmin-(&drop)*zrange),best.)); call symput('ceil',put(zmax,best.)); call symput('zstep',put(zrange/&nlevels,best.)); run; /*---determine step sizes for x and y---*/ proc sort data=&data out=_xgrid nodupkey; by &x; run; data _xgrid; set _xgrid; keep &x xstep; xstep = &x - lag(&x); if (_n_ = 2) then do; call symput('xstep',put(xstep,best.)); end; run; proc sort data=&data out=_ygrid nodupkey; by &y; run; data _ygrid; set _ygrid; keep &y ystep; ystep = &y - lag(&y); if (_n_ = 2) then do; call symput('ystep',put(ystep,best.)); end; run; data _null_; set _ygrid nobs=count; call symput('ny',put(count,best.)); run; %*-- Nested macro for color computation; %macro surcolor(arg); %if &colors = HLS %then %do; length hue $3; %if %index(&options,REVERSE) %then %do; deg = round((&arg)*320,2) + 120; %end; %else %do; deg = 440 - round((&arg)*320,2); %end; hue = put(deg,$hex3.); color = 'H'||hue||"&llss"; drop hue; %end; %else %do; color = scan("&colors", ncol); %end; %mend; /*---create annotate data set for legend---*/ data _legend; length function color $ 8; retain xsys ysys zsys '2'; drop legend ncol; do legend = &zmin to (&zmax-&zstep) by &zstep; x = &xmin; y = &ymax; z = legend; function = 'poly'; style = 'solid'; ncol = min(&nlevels,int(1+(legend+(&zstep/2)-&zmin)/&zstep)); %surcolor(ncol/&nlevels); /* %if &colors=HLS %then %do; %if %index(&options,REVERSE) %then %do; deg = round((ncol/&nlevels)*320,2) + 120; %end; %else %do; deg = 440 - round((ncol/&nlevels)*320,2); %end; hue = put(deg,$hex3.); color = 'H'||hue||"&llss"; %end; %else %do; color = scan(&colors, ncol); %end; */ output; z = legend + &zstep; function = 'polycont'; %if not %index(&options,NOGRID) %then %do; color = 'black'; %end; output; x = &xmin + (&xmax-&xmin)*.05; output; z = legend; output; end; run; /*---create annotate data sets for plane and surface; sort by the sum of coordinates so graphs will be drawn from back to front---*/ data _zval; set &data; %if %length(&where) %then %do; where &where; %end; x = &x; y = &y; z = &z; keep x y z; run; proc sort data=_zval; by x y; run; data _surface; set &data; %if %length(&where) %then %do; where &where; %end; sum = (&x - &xmin)/&xstep + (&y - &ymin)/&ystep; keep &x &y &z sum; run; proc sort data=_surface; by descending sum; run; /*---draw 4-sided polygons counter-clockwise---*/ data _surface; set _surface; length function color $ 8; retain xsys ysys zsys '2'; /* drop &x &y &z; */ x = &x; y = &y; if (abs(x-&xmin) < &fuzz*&xstep) or (abs(y-&ymin) < &fuzz*&ystep) then delete; function = 'poly'; style = 'solid'; %*surcolor; ncol=min(&nlevels,int(1+(&z-&zmin+&fuzz*&zstep)/&zstep)); %surcolor((&z-&zmin+&fuzz*&zstep)/&zstep/&nlevels); /* %if &colors=HLS %then %do; %if %index(&options,REVERSE) %then %do; deg = round(((&z-&zmin+&fuzz*&zstep)/&zstep/&nlevels)*320,2) + 120; %end; %else %do; deg = 440 - round(((&z-&zmin+&fuzz*&zstep)/&zstep/&nlevels)* 320,2); %end; hue = put(deg,$hex3.); color = 'H'||hue||'80FF'; %end; %else %do; color = scan("&colors", ncol); %end; */ when = 'A'; idx = &ny*(x-&xmin+&fuzz*&xstep)/(&xstep) + (y-&ymin+&fuzz*&ystep)/(&ystep) + 1; index = idx; set _zval point=idx; output; function = 'polycont'; %if not %index(&options,NOGRID) %then %do; color = 'black'; %end; x = x - &xstep; idx = &ny*(x-&xmin+&fuzz*&xstep)/(&xstep) + (y-&ymin+&fuzz*&ystep)/(&ystep) + 1; index = idx; set _zval point=idx; output; y = y - &ystep; idx = &ny*(x-&xmin+&fuzz*&xstep)/(&xstep) + (y-&ymin+&fuzz*&ystep)/(&ystep) + 1; index = idx; set _zval point=idx; output; x = x + &xstep; idx = &ny*(x-&xmin+&fuzz*&xstep)/(&xstep) + (y-&ymin+&fuzz*&ystep)/(&ystep) + 1; index = idx; set _zval point=idx; output; run; options notes; data _plane; set _surface; z = &floor; run; /*---merge annotate data sets---*/ data &outanno; set _legend _plane _surface &anno; run; /*---create input data set for PROC G3D---*/ data _plot; &x = &xmin; &y = &ymin; &z = &floor; output; &x = &xmax; &y = &ymax; output; run; /*---draw the surface and contours---*/ proc g3d data=_plot gout=&gout ; scatter &y*&x=&z / %if %length(&rotate) %then %do; rotate=&rotate %end; %if %length(&tilt) %then %do; tilt=&tilt %end; xticknum=&xtick yticknum=&ytick zticknum=&ztick shape='point' zmin=&floor zmax=&ceil annotate=&outanno &scatopt name="&name" des="Surface plot of &y*&x=&z" ; run; *-- Clean up datasets no longer needed; proc datasets nofs nolist nowarn library=work memtype=(data); delete _xgrid _ygrid _zval _range _legend _plane _surface _plot; run; quit; %done: %mend surface; Data surface_data; input longitude latitude yield yield2; datalines; 10 1 5 3.75 10 2 5 3.75 10 3 5 3.75 10 4 5 3.75 10 5 5 3.75 10 6 0 0 10 7 0 0 10 8 0 0 10 9 0 0 9 1 5 3.75 9 2 5 3.75 9 3 5 3.75 9 4 5 3.75 9 5 5 3.75 9 6 0 0 9 7 0 0 9 8 0 0 9 9 0 0 8 1 5 3.75 8 2 5 3.75 8 3 5 3.75 8 4 5 3.75 8 5 5 3.75 8 6 0 0 8 7 0 0 8 8 0 0 8 9 0 0 7 1 5 3.75 7 2 5 3.75 7 3 5 3.75 7 4 5 3.75 7 5 5 3.75 7 6 0 0 7 7 0 0 7 8 0 0 7 9 0 0 6 1 5 3.75 6 2 5 3.75 6 3 5 3.75 6 4 5 3.75 6 5 5 3.75 6 6 0 0 6 7 0 0 6 8 0 0 6 9 0 0 5 1 10 7.5 5 2 10 7.5 5 3 10 7.5 5 4 10 7.5 5 5 10 7.5 5 6 20 15 5 7 20 15 5 8 20 15 5 9 20 15 4 1 10 7.5 4 2 10 7.5 4 3 10 7.5 4 4 10 7.5 4 5 10 7.5 4 6 20 15 4 7 20 15 4 8 20 15 4 9 20 15 3 1 10 7.5 3 2 10 7.5 3 3 10 7.5 3 4 10 7.5 3 5 10 7.5 3 6 20 15 3 7 20 15 3 8 20 15 3 9 20 15 2 1 10 7.5 2 2 10 7.5 2 3 10 7.5 2 4 10 7.5 2 5 10 7.5 2 6 20 15 2 7 20 15 2 8 20 15 2 9 20 15 1 1 10 7.5 1 2 10 7.5 1 3 10 7.5 1 4 10 7.5 1 5 10 7.5 1 6 20 15 1 7 20 15 1 8 20 15 1 9 20 15 ; %surface(data=surface_data,x=longitude,y=latitude,z=yield); %surface(data=surface_data,x=longitude,y=latitude,z=yield2); run; 2. Is there a way that we can use activeX for interactive surface plot or to produce multiple graphs wtih rotate values ranging from 0 to 360 at an increment of 5 degrees.
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