Below is a program to create some user-defined formats and to store them in myfmts library: libname myfmts '/folders/myfolders/formats';
libname learn '/folders/myfolders';
proc format library=myfmts;
value $gender 'M'='Male' 'F'='Female' ' '='Not entered' other='Miscoded';
value age low-29='Less than 30' 30-50='30 to 50' 51-high='51+';
value $likert '1'='Strongly disagree' '2'='Disagree' '3'='No opinion'
'4'='Agree' '5'='Strongly agree';
proc format library=myfmts;
value agenew low-<10 = 'Less Than 10' 10-<20 = '10-20' 20-<30 = '20-30'
30-<40 = '30-40' 40-<50 = '40-50' 50-high = 'Greater Than 50';
run; Now, all formats are getting stored in same file viz. "formats.sas7bcat". Can I, 1. Change the name of this file to say, age_fmts etc. while programming. 2. Here, I am using proc format procedure two times, generally I want to save two (format) files in my library myfmts (or to my folder "formats"). But, I am getting only one file viz. formats.sas7bcat instead of two. However, I can see that all of my formats are get saved in same file (formats.sas7bcat) by running: proc format library=myfmts fmtlib; run; commands. But, can I generate two files in same folder "formats" and can I decide there names also.
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