Hi, We are moving away from Greenplum database to Snowflake. Testing a few data retrieving queries, I noticed the run time is longer compared to what it was in Greenplum. I realized this was because the lengths of a few variables were huge (32767). I used to limit these variables length using VARCHAR or CAST statements for Greenplum but am not sure how to do it for Snowflake. There's a thread within the forum discussing the use of readbuff and other options to improve connectivity for Snowflake and I wanted to how could these be used in SQL Passthrough queries. Appreciate your inputs on this. PROC SQL; CONNECT TO GREENPLM(DSN = GREENPLM USER = USERID PASSWORD=PASSWORD); CREATE TABLE CUST_INFO AS SELECT * FROM CONNECTION TO GREENPLM( SELECT FIRST_NAME :: VARCHAR(50) AS FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME :: VARHCAR(50) AS LAST_NAME /* these fields are limited to a length of 50 */ FROM CUST_DATA); PROC SQL; CONNECT TO ODBC AS SNWFLK (DSN =SNOWFLAKE USER=USERID PASSWORD=PASSWORD); CREATE TABLE CUST_INFO AS SELECT * FROM CONNECTION TO SNWFLK( SELECT FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME /* these names come with 32767 lengths */ FROM CUST_DATA); https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Data-Management/Slow-performance-of-ODBC-connection-to-SNOWFLAKE/m-p/702618#M19668
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