Hi All, I am trying to plot line plot with median and IQR(Q1 and Q3) on the graph for each visit and group by treatment. I have used proc gplot with the below sample code and i am getting three separate figures for each treatment group. I want to see all the three treatment groups plots in a single figure. Is there is any way to get it. Please let me know, Thanks in advance! below are the columns in order. Visit,visitnum,armn,armcd,median,q1,q3. Baseline 0 60 DummyA 5639 2909 7221.5 Baseline 0 70 DummyB 3876 2929 6587 Baseline 0 80 DummyC 5112 3284 6686 Week1 12 60 DummyA 3304 1961 6157.5 Week12 12 70 DummyB 3496 1717 5021.5 Week12 12 80 DummyC 4266.5 3436 6504.5 Week26 26 60 DummyA 3762 2409 6233 Week26 26 70 DummyB 4377 3380 6735 Week26 26 80 DummyC 4261 3242 6084 data reshape; set stats; yvar=median; output; yvar=q1; output; yvar=q3; output; run; /* Define the axis characteristics */ axis1 offset=(5,5) minor=none order=(0 12 26); /* Define the symbol characteristics */ symbol1 interpol=hiloctj color=blue line=2; symbol2 interpol=none color=blue value=dot height=1.5; proc sort data = reshape; by armcd; run; proc gplot data=reshape; by armcd; plot yvar*avisitn median*avisitn / overlay haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2; run; quit;
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