I am getting below issues in 9.4 with Excelxp tagsets version v1.130, but not seen these issues in 9.2 by using exactly same excel statements in Stored process 1. Using Stored process Execution result is Stream, disabled %STPBEGIN & %STPEND macros in stored process 2. using below code in stored process ods listing close; *ProcessBody; data _null_; rc = stpsrv_header('Content-type','application/vnd.ms-excel'); rc = stpsrv_header('Content-disposition','attachment; filename=report.xls'); run; ods tagsets.ExcelXP file=_WEBOUT options(doc="Help" default_column_width='15, 4, 20, 25, 10' width_fudge='0.75' sheet_name="REP1") style=sansprinter; proc report data= Final nowd; run; ods tagsets.ExcelXP close; By using above , i am not getting any error while running the stored process from information delivery portal except column adjustment issue in excel, but getting attached popup window and generating HTML code in EG. How to avoid this issue while running from EG also even I tried with file='a.xls' in ods statement, but still not seeing result in both EG and IDP. As attached i am seeing more column width than data length, Excel Column width is occupying almost variable length defined in dataset, but real scenario data length is varying in dataset. How to make exact auto_column_width for all character and numeric columns. Can anyone help me on this.
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