I would like to create a PDF report that has different colored rows based on the value of my variable type. I would like the rows to be green when type='Complete', yellow when type='Planned' and red when type='At Risk'. I have tried running the following compute block: compute type; if type='Complete' then call define (_row_,'style','style=[BACKGROUND=lightGREEN]'); if type='Planned' then call define (_row_,'style','style=[BACKGROUND=lightYELLOW]'); if type='At Risk' then call define (_row_,'style','style=[BACKGROUND=lightRED]'); endcomp; I have used a run statement as well as an ods pdf close statement at the end of the proc report step but when I run this section of my code SAS indicates that Proc Report is still running and will not produce the PDF file. How can I successfully produce this report?
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