Hello everyone, I am new to multiple imputaton method and PROC MI procedure. I found that if the order of the variables change, the imputed values will change. In this case, how do you determine the order of the variables in var statement? Do I put the most important one first? Please find the following example. (SAS 9.4; Window 7) data missingdata; input id sex $ age ind1 ind2 ind3 $ ind4 score; datalines; 1 F 35 17 . 1 3 98 17 M 50 14 5 . 2 80 33 F 45 6 7 0 . 75 49 M 24 . 5 0 8 75 65 F 44 11 9 . 5 88 81 M 34 9 5 1 7 . 2 F 40 . 3 1 9 46 18 F 47 3 . 0 1 76 34 F 58 16 8 0 2 . 50 M 63 18 1 . 3 83 ; proc mi data = missingdata seed = 1 out = mi_data1 nimpute = 1 noprint; class sex; var sex ind4 score; fcs reg(ind4); fcs reg(score); run; proc mi data = missingdata seed = 1 out = mi_data2 nimpute = 1 noprint; class sex; var ind4 sex score; fcs reg(ind4); fcs reg(score); run; proc mi data = missingdata seed = 1 out = mi_data3 nimpute = 1 noprint; class sex; var ind4 sex score; fcs reg(ind4 = sex); fcs reg(score); run; Thanks, CY
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