I have data in a series of stratified 2x2 tables, I want to calculate a p-value for a non-inferiority hypothesis test based on the common risk difference. There appears to be a way to do this using the riskdiff option, but not using the commonriskdiff option as far as I can see.
My proc freq tables statement looks like this:
tables site*trt*outcome / commonriskdiff(column=1 cl=(mh) printwts=(mh) test=(mh)) alpha=0.1;
The test=(mh) option is testing whether the common risk difference is different from 0, but in a non-inferioity setting we want to know if it is below a margin of non-inferiority, not 0.
If using the riskdiff option there are additional options (noninf margin=0.1 method=wald), which are used to define the margin of non-inferiority. But those options apply to the risk difference from each of the 2x2 tables, not the common risk difference.
Does anyone know who to test a non-inferiority hypothesis on a common risk difference?
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