I'm trying to use the ExcelXP tageset to create a single Excel workbook with multiple worksheets. However every proc report it comes to it creates a whole new workbook with 1 added to the end of the name I specify. For example I have the date in my workbook so it's Data 07-13-2015.xls. SAS then creates a workbook for each section the first one being Data 07-13-2015.xls then the next one being Data 07-13-2016.xls and so on for each section. I've tried adding a alpha character to the end such as Data 07-13-2015a.xls but that just results in Data 07-13-2015a.xls, Data 07-13-2015a1.xls, and so on. Any ideas what could be causing this? I did check and I'm using the latest version of the ExcelXP tagset: "NOTE: This is the Excel XP tagset (Compatible with SAS 9.1.3 and above, v1.130, 08/02/2013)"
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