Helle everybody,
Thanks to @Ksharp, @LaurieF , @r_behata, @novinosrin I made it my following question -> https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/Create-New-Variable-by-Getting-Begining-and-Ending-Value/m-p/529693#M144768
However, I want to do little changes in my question;
let's say that I have a following population ;
Data Have;
Length ID 8 DateCharacter $ 32;
Infile Datalines Missover;
Input ID DateCharacter;
1 201601
1 201602
1 201603
1 201604
1 201605
1 201606
1 201607
1 201608
1 201609
1 201610
1 201611
1 201612
2 201605
2 201606
2 201607
2 201608
2 201609
2 201610
2 201611
2 201612
Instead of following view;
I want to see whole periods and table_names same ->
As I tried to say as above; if 01MAY2016 is equal to period 5 in 12 months range then every 01may2016 should equal to period 5 same for other months. And table_name variable should be constant, as you can see in the image.
We need to count distinct YearMonth values then give the range between Begining and Ending Value and then assign the period values for this range. I hope I could make myself clear?
If can somebody help about this, I would be so happy.
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