I'm a first time user of the forum, have only recently returned to SASing, and am trying to get back in the saddle. Using SAS 9.2, I am attempting to compute a Body Roundness Index (BRI) from an anthropometric dataset. The BRI computation is broken down into three steps: (1) Calculation of a waist to height ratio (WtHR), which expresses proportionality of waist circumference (waistcir) to stature (stature); (2) Calculation of eccentricity (Ecc), in which body shape is expressed in degrees of departure from an ellipse; and (3) Calculation of the BRI. In order, the code entered is: WtHR=round((waistcir/stature)*100, .1); Ecc=sqrt(1-WtHR/3.14159)**2); BRI=(364.2 - 365.5)*Ecc; Running both Proc Print for screening, I've no problem with computed values for WtHR, but receive "." missing values for Ecc and BRI. The system's objection is "Invalid argument to sqrt". Is the problem one of syntax, or is it deeper?
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