Hi Have a very large number of metadata bound libraries to migrate to a new SAS environment, the physical tables are stored on a shared file system and will be remaining in place. I propose to achieve this as follows. 1) Migrate all Secured Libraries via metadata export and import - this will remove all password and encryption keys. Luckily all of the libraries use the same ones. 2) Use a script to update the PW and key values in metadata from the new environment. The will use the Authlib procedure as documented here : SAS Help Center: Resetting Credentials on Imported SecuredLibrary Objects. I have two issues with this, the first is collecting the required information, I will need physical location of each library have have managed to get the metadata folder and library cant pick up the physical path. The second issue I have and the one that is really concerning is with Proc Authlib. I have tried a quick test to prove the approach which went as follows: Create a new secure library (no encryption) Add a few tables and test access Export the the metadata and then import back - test proves that the PW info has been remove from metadata Use the Authlib procedure with modify to restore the PW in metadata This what happens: Any advice on either of these issues would be gratefully received.
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