Hi everyone! I have a problem.. I built a Credit Scoring model, all is right. But when i use a dataset for score the model, do not run. I attach the flow: And this is the log error: 10870 proc freq data=EMWS1.Score_VariableSet noprint; 10871 table ROLE*LEVEL/out=WORK.ScoreMETA; 10872 run; NOTE: There were 2 observations read from the data set EMWS1.SCORE_VARIABLESET. NOTE: The data set WORK.SCOREMETA has 2 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: PROCEDIMIENTO FREQ used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 10873 proc print data=WORK.ScoreMETA label noobs; 10874 var ROLE LEVEL COUNT; 10875 label ROLE = "%sysfunc(sasmsg(sashelp.dmine, meta_role_vlabel, NOQUOTE))" LEVEL = "%sysfunc(sasmsg(sashelp.dmine, meta_level_vlabel, NOQUOTE))" COUNT = "%sysfunc(sasmsg(sashelp.dmine, rpt_count_vlabel, NOQUOTE))"; 10876 title9 ' '; 10877 title10 "%sysfunc(sasmsg(sashelp.dmine, rpt_varSummary_title , NOQUOTE))"; 10878 run; NOTE: There were 2 observations read from the data set WORK.SCOREMETA. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 1. NOTE: PROCEDIMIENTO PRINT used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 10879 title10; 10880 %let groupid =; 10881 %let endGroupid =; 10882 %let prescoreid =; 10883 %let idsTable =; 10884 %let hpdmTable =; 10885 %let lasthptm =; 10886 data _null_; 10887 set EMWS1.Scorecard_EMINFO; 10888 where upcase(key) in('LASTHPTM', 'IDSTABLE', 'HPDMSAMPLE', 'PRESCORECODE','ENDGROUP', 'GROUPINFO', 'BOOSTINFO', 'BAGINFO', 'TARGETINFO', 'INDEXINFO'); 10889 select(upcase(key)); 10890 when('LASTHPTM') call symput('lasthptm', DATA); 10891 when('IDSTABLE') call symput('idsTable', DATA); 10892 when('HPDMSAMPLE') call symput('hpdmSample', DATA); 10893 when('PRESCORECODE') call symput('prescoreId', DATA); 10894 when('ENDGROUP') call symput('endGroupId', DATA); 10895 otherwise call symput('groupId', DATA); 10896 end; 10897 run; NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set EMWS1.SCORECARD_EMINFO. WHERE UPCASE(key) in ('BAGINFO', 'BOOSTINFO', 'ENDGROUP', 'GROUPINFO', 'HPDMSAMPLE', 'IDSTABLE', 'INDEXINFO', 'LASTHPTM', 'PRESCORECODE', 'TARGETINFO'); NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 10898 %let lastModelid =; 10899 data _null_; 10900 set EMWS1.Scorecard_EMINFO; 10901 where upcase(key) = 'MODEL' and TARGET = "Objetivo"; 10902 call symput('lastModelID', DATA); 10903 run; NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set EMWS1.SCORECARD_EMINFO. WHERE (UPCASE(key)='MODEL') and (TARGET='Objetivo'); NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL _INIT >> Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL setMetaData >> NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set EMWS1.SCORECARD_EMINFO. WHERE (TARGET='Objetivo') and (KEY='MODEL'); NOTE: The data set WORK.EMINFO42DYEDYL has 1 observations and 3 variables. Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL NUMELEMENTS >> Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL _term >> Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL _INIT >> Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL setMetaData >> NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set EMWS1.SCORECARD_EMINFO. WHERE (TARGET='Objetivo') and (KEY='DECMETA'); NOTE: The data set WORK.EMINFO42DWO6FN has 1 observations and 3 variables. Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL next >> Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL next >> Executing SASHELP.EMCORE.EMINFOITERATOR.SCL _term >> NOTE: This SAS session is using a registry in WORK. All changes will be lost at the end of this session. WARNING: Variable CatBCUt1 has already been defined as numeric. 12029 _UFormat = put(CatBCUt1,$CHAR7.); ------- 48 WARNING: Variable Ramo has already been defined as numeric. 12227 _UFormat = put(Ramo,$CHAR50.); -------- 48 WARNING: Variable Sector has already been defined as numeric. 12329 _UFormat = put(Sector,$CHAR24.); -------- 48 ERROR 48-59: formato CHAR no se he encontrado o no se puede cargar. *------------------------------------------------------------* * * ERROR: Se ha encontrado un error de tiempo de ejecución. El error del sistema es -S-. * Reporte los problemas sin resolver al departamento de Soporte técnico. * *------------------------------------------------------------* Can anybody help me?
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