This question is Not Answered.(Mark as assumed answered) SAM LOLU Jun 9, 2015 12:54 PM Hi everyone, please I need an assistance in getting through my research analysis with SAS. I have the result data on excel spread sheet, but getting it imported into SAS had been a difficult issue. Import wizard is saying "Connection failed, see log for detail", and the log detail is "ERROR: Connect: Class not registered. ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement." I tried using the Proc Import command,it came back with "No Observation, and when I pasted the data as "Cards", there were some errors in the result ( Although I could not say if that was as a result of some missing values though represented with full stop sign). I will appreciate it anyone can help out and give me a clue of what to do, as I`ve been stocked at this point going to four weeks. Below is the log message produced: NOTE: Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M1) Licensed to MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY - SFA T&R, Site 70084845. NOTE: This session is executing on the X64_7PRO platform. NOTE: Updated analytical products: SAS/STAT 13.1 SAS/ETS 13.1 SAS/OR 13.1 SAS/IML 13.1 SAS/QC 13.1 NOTE: Additional host information: X64_7PRO WIN 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Workstation NOTE: SAS initialization used: real time 0.95 seconds cpu time 0.81 seconds 1 PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.PPTEST2011 2 DATAFILE= "E:\SasWorkAndResults\DATAFORSASPROG2011PontotocTestAges1to4.xlsx" 3 DBMS=EXCEL REPLACE; 4 GETNAMES=YES; 5 MIXED=NO; 6 SCANTEXT=YES; 7 USEDATE=YES; 8 SCANTIME=YES; 9 RUN; ERROR: Connect: Class not registered ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement. Connection Failed. See log for details. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time): real time 0.13 seconds cpu time 0.07 seconds 10 IF COMM1=99 THEN DELETE; -- 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. 11 IF COMM2=99 THEN DELETE; -- 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. 12 13 Vol2=0.21099+(0.00221*((AGE2D*AGE2D)*AGE2HT)); ---- 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. 14 Vol3=0.21099+(0.00221*((AGE3D*AGE3D)*AGE3HT)); ---- 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. 15 Vol4=0.21099+(0.00221*((AGE4D*AGE4D)*AGE4HT)); ---- 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. 16 17 18 *PROC SORT; 19 *BY BLOCK CLONE; 20 *PROC MEANS NOPRINT; 21 *BY BLOCK TAXA CLONE; 22 *PROC UNIVARIATE; 23 *VAR AGE1HT AGE2D AGE2HT AGE3D AGE3HT AGE4D AGE4HT VOL2 VOL3 VOL4; 24 *OUT=GENOTYPE MEAN=AGE1HT AGE2D AGE2HT AGE3D AGE3HT AGE4D AGE4HT VOL2 VOL3 VOL4; 25 26 PROC GLM; ERROR: There is not a default input data set (_LAST_ is _NULL_). 27 CLASS BLOCK CLONE; 28 MODEL AGE1HT AGE2D AGE2HT AGE3D AGE3HT AGE4D AGE4HT VOL4=BLOCK CLONE BLOCK*CLONE; ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. NOTE: The previous statement has been deleted. 29 LSMEANS BLOCK; 30 MEANS BLOCK/DUNCAN ALPHA=0.01; ERROR: Variable BLOCK not found. NOTE: The previous statement has been deleted. 31 LSMEANS CLONE; ERROR: Variable CLONE not found. NOTE: The previous statement has been deleted. 32 MEANS CLONE/DUNCAN ALPHA=0.01; ERROR: Variable CLONE not found. NOTE: The previous statement has been deleted. 33 RUN; ERROR: A MODEL statement must be given. NOTE: PROCEDURE GLM used (Total process time): real time 19.30 seconds cpu time 1.21 seconds 34 PROC GLM DATA=GENOTYPE; ERROR: File WORK.GENOTYPE.DATA does not exist. 35 CLASS BLOCK CLONE; 36 MODEL AGE1HT AGE2D AGE2HT AGE3D AGE3HT AGE4D AGE4HT VOL4=BLOCK CLONE; ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. ERROR: No data set open to look up variables. NOTE: The previous statement has been deleted. 37 LSMEANS BLOCK; 38 MEANS BLOCK/DUNCAN ALPHA=0.01; ERROR: Variable BLOCK not found. NOTE: The previous statement has been deleted. 39 LSMEANS CLONE; ERROR: Variable CLONE not found. NOTE: The previous statement has been deleted. 40 MEANS CLONE /DUNCAN ALPHA=0.01; ERROR: Variable CLONE not found. NOTE: The previous statement has been deleted. 41 RUN; ERROR: A MODEL statement must be given.
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