Hello. I have tried so much to insert the letter of significant differences above each "stderr bar" in my graph, such as "a, b, c, d and e", but I don't know how to do it. My code is below. data teste; input source$ rep Carbon; cards; Controle 1 10.1 Controle 2 10.63 Controle 3 10.34 Controle 4 11.51 Controle 5 12.4 0 1 9.63 0 2 12.63 0 3 10.28 0 4 10.93 0 5 10.63 100 1 10.46 100 2 11.87 100 3 9.28 100 4 14.8 100 5 13.04 200 1 13.34 200 2 12.04 200 3 9.81 200 4 9.99 200 5 13.86 300 1 11.22 300 2 12.63 300 3 14.86 300 4 17.92 300 5 15.69 ; proc sgplot data=teste noautolegend noborder; vbar source / response=carbon stat=mean limitstat=stderr limitattrs=(color=black) fillattrs=(color=VIGB) outlineattrs=(color="black") datalabel datalabelattrs=(color=black size=10 family="Times New Roman") fillattrs=(color=VIGB) outlineattrs=(color="black") ; yaxis label="Soil carbon" LABELATTRS=(Color=black Family="Times New Roman" Size=12) valueattrs=(Color=black Family="Times New Roman" Size=10); xaxis label="Source of nutrient" LABELATTRS=(Color=black Family="Times New Roman" Size=12) valueattrs=(Color=black Family="Times New Roman" Size=10); run;
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