I did a plot using the procedure SGPLOT but I wouldn't say I liked the resolution when I put in my docs. I want to know how I can save my graph in my laptop with 600 dpi as a JPG.
I'm using SAS® OnDemand for Academics and my node is:
proc sgplot data=PCA aspect=1;
styleattrs datasymbols=(trianglefilled circlefilled squarefilled plus)
datacontrastcolors=(crimson bioy blueviolet darkgreen dodgerblue);
scatter x=Prin1 y=Prin2 / group=Adubo_clone markerattrs=(size=10px);
xaxis min=-2.5 max=2.5 label="Component 1 (23,51%)";
yaxis min=-2 max=2 label="Component 2 (21,91%)";
keylegend / location=outside position=right titleattrs=(weght=bold size=9pt) valueattrs=(color=black size=9pt);