Hello, I encountered a problem when trying to export some tables and graphs using ODS RTF. When I opened the RTF file in Pages, the table was there, but the graph was not. I ran two sas programs containing codes for tables and graphs just to see if the problem was restricted to the codes in one program. In both runs I didn't get the graph in the RTF file. There were no errors or warnings in the log. I was able to export graphs to pdf, excel, and powerpoint, though. Done some googling but didn't find a post that would fit my situation. I'm using SAS OnDemand in the latest Google Chrome on a macbook pro (OS 12.7.3). Here are the codes: Program 1: ods rtf file="/home/u6373xxxx/EPG1V2/output/pressure.rtf" style=sapphire startpage=no; ods noproctitle; title "Minimum Pressure Statistics by Basin"; proc means data=pg1.storm_final mean median min maxdec=0; class BasinName; var MinPressure; run; title "Correlation of Minimum Pressure and Maximum Wind"; proc sgscatter data=pg1.storm_final; plot minpressure*maxwindmph; run; title; ods rtf close; ods proctitle; Program 2: ods rtf file="&outpath/ParkReport.rtf" style=Journal startpage=no; ods noproctitle; options nodate; title "US National Park Regional Usage Summary"; proc freq data=pg1.np_final; tables Region /nocum; run; proc means data=pg1.np_final mean median max nonobs maxdec=0; class Region; var DayVisits Campers; run; ods rtf style=sasdocprinter; title2 'Day Visits vs. Camping'; proc sgplot data=pg1.np_final; vbar Region / response=DayVisits; vline Region / response=Campers; run; title; ods rtf close; ods proctitle; options date; Any insight on this issue would be appreciated.
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