Hi, I dont know too much about SAS, I am using cloud SAS Studio, I want to unzip an an XPT file which is more than 1 gig. Firstly i tried to unzip that xpt file to local drive, when i wanted to impot that file to SAS Studio, Msg come that more then 1gb size file could not be imported, So imported the zip file. then i tried following code, filename inzip ZIP "/home/u63672513/Mydata/LLCP2022XPT.zip"; /* Read the "members" (files) from the ZIP file */ data contents(keep=memname isFolder); length memname $200 isFolder 8; fid=dopen("inzip"); if fid=0 then stop; memcount=dnum(fid); do i=1 to memcount; memname=dread(fid,i); /* check for trailing / in folder name */ isFolder = (first(reverse(trim(memname)))='/'); output; end; rc=dclose(fid); run; /* create a report of the ZIP contents */ title "Files in the ZIP file"; proc print data=contents noobs N; run; Now i can see the XPT file in the work folder "/saswork/SAS_work39CD0001A26A_odaws02-apse1.oda.sas.com/SAS_work59200001A26A_odaws02-apse1.oda.sas.com", Now i want to copy the XPT file to the folder (/home/u63672513/Mydata), need expert help, please
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