Thank you so much! how would I print or use a test like the chisq test after this though? I added the replace statement and now that step is working fine, but the print step still isn't working. I don't think I'm creating the data set from the imported csv correctly, but I'm not sure how to do it. I'm trying to separate my data from the csv into ideological groups (the data is about political party affiliation) and this is the code I'm using PROC IMPORT FILE="/home/u63565620/Datasets/politics.csv" OUT=WORK.politics DBMS=CSV replace; RUN; Data politics; Set politics2; Length opinion $15; If ideology in (1,2) then opinion = “Liberal”; If ideology in (3,4,5) then opinion = “Moderate”; If ideology in (6,7) then opinion = “Conservative”; Run; but it just created extra empty columns for opinion, liberal, moderate, and conservative without actually sorting the data. Am I calling the data incorrectly? And why does it make new columns for each ideology instead of sorting into an opinion column with the ideology being the label within the column?
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