%macro prodlist(prodline);
%let prodline=%qupcase(&prodline);
title "Listing of %qsysfunc(propcase(&prodline, %str( &)))";
proc print data=mc1.products;
where upcase(Product_Line)="&prodline";
var Product_ID Product_name Product_Line;
%mend prodlist;
%prodlist (%nrstr(clothes&shoes)) In the provided code, when the %str( &) is present in the title statement, the title displayed in the report becomes "Listing of Clothes&Shoes." On the other hand, if the %str( &) is omitted and the title statement is written as "title "Listing of %qsysfunc(propcase(&prodline))";", the title in the report appears as "Listing of Clothes&shoes." I'm curious why, when %str( &) is omitted, the propcase function doesn't seem to apply to the word "Shoes" in the title. Could you please explain why this happens?
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