With ODS Excel (SAS version 9.4), I'm able to successfully create hyperlinks to individual subject tabs within my Excel spreadsheet with the following code: proc report data = subjects split = "`";
columns subject; define subject / "Subject" style(column) = {textdecoration = underline foreground = blue};
compute subject;
urlstring = "#'" || strip(subject) || "'!A1";
call define (_col_, 'url', urlstring);
run; The hyperlinks are even blue underlined by using the style options for the SUBJECT column. Is there a way to format these hyperlinks in the Excel file so that they change color after they have been followed, similar to what Excel would do if the Hyperlink style was applied? Here's what my current Excel file looks like: This is what I'd like hyperlinks to look like after they've been followed (first subject) :
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