Hi, I am running a GAM using SAS GAMPL to analyse herring landing data, with a spline term on year and month set as a tensor product, as specified in the following code: ods graphics on; proc gampl data=sales06 seed=1234 plots; class ref_year; output out=sales07y p=pred_hat lower=pred_p05 upper=pred_p95 residual=pred_res; ods output ParameterEstimates=gamparms01y FitStatistics=gamfit01y NObs=gamobs01y; model landing_her=spline(ref_year_ ref_month_/maxdf=100) / dist=Tweedie link=log; RUN; ods graphics off; quit; I would like to get the smoothing component values for each knot (i.e., combinations of year and month), or at least for the discrete pixels of the bivariate plot that SAS outputs (see below) Could anyone help me on that? Cheers Paul
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