Hi all, I am working with ODS Excel to build an Excel Workbook that will act like a scorecard. My problem is I need the graphic output to be a certain size in excel, but when it renders in Excel it defaults to 6.61 inches wide. Has anyone encountered this? Below is basically my code that I am using but very dummied down and using sashelp dataset. data class; set sashelp.class; proc sort; by sex; run; ods listing close; ODS EXCEL file="test.xlsx" ; ods excel options(sheet_name="Performance" fittopage='OFF' orientation='landscape'); %macro graph(); proc template; define statgraph barchart ; begingraph / designwidth=11in designheight=9in ; layout lattice / columns = 4 rows = 2 ; %do i = 1 %to 8; layout overlay/ ; seriesplot x=sex y= weight / display=all lineattrs=(color=black pattern=solid) markerattrs= (symbol=circlefilled) legendlabel="ConversionRatio" name= "ser" ; endlayout; %end; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data=class template=barchart; run; %mend; %graph(); Thanks for any help on this Nate
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