I have font stretching in the vertical axis as shown below. All values on the plot at stretched this way. I tried various sizes, reset graphics, set scale = off, nothing seems to work. What other options do I have?
How they do look:
How they should look
Code follows:
%macro figure_format1(); styleattrs datasymbols= (CircleFilled CircleFilled TriangleFilled TriangleFilled DiamondFilled DiamondFilled) datacontrastcolors=(lipgr depk libgr vigb gray black) datalinepatterns= (solid solid solid solid); *(dash solid dash solid); legenditem type=markerline name="G4F" / label="Group4 FE" lineattrs=(pattern=solid color=lipgr thickness=4) markerattrs=(symbol=CircleFilled color=libgr size=9pt); legenditem type=markerline name="G4S" / label="Group4 SE" lineattrs=(pattern=solid color=depk thickness=4) markerattrs=(symbol=CircleFilled color=depk size=9pt); legenditem type=markerline name="G5F" / label="Group5 FE" lineattrs=(pattern=solid color=libgr thickness=4) markerattrs=(symbol=TriangleFilled color=libgr size=9pt); legenditem type=markerline name="G5S" / label="Group5 SE" lineattrs=(pattern=solid color=vigb thickness=4) markerattrs=(symbol=TriangleFilled color=vigb size=9pt); legenditem type=markerline name="G6F" / label="Group6 FE" lineattrs=(pattern=solid color=gray thickness=4) markerattrs=(symbol=DiamondFilled color=gray size=9pt); legenditem type=markerline name="G6S" / label="Group6 SE" lineattrs=(pattern=solid color=black thickness=4) markerattrs=(symbol=DiamondFilled color=black size=9pt); keylegend "G4S" "G4F" "G5S" "G5F" "G6S" "G6F" / title=""; %mend;
proc sgplot data=AVAL_mean NOAUTOLEGEND; %figure_format1; series x= MONTH y= MEAN / group= EYEFL LINEATTRS= (THICKNESS= 4); scatter x= MONTH y= MEAN / group= EYEFL markerattrs= (size= 9pt); xaxis min=0 max= 36 VALUES= (0 to 24 by 6,36) VALUESHINT minor minorcount=1 LABELATTRS=(size=12pt) VALUEATTRS=(size=12pt); yaxis VALUESHINT minor minorcount=1 LABELATTRS=(size=12pt) VALUEATTRS=(size=12pt); xaxistable N / x=MONTH class=EYE_N classorder=descending LABELATTRS=(size=9pt) VALUEATTRS=(size=9pt); run;
Graphics options to start:
ods graphics /reset; options printerpath = pdf; option orientation=landscape; ods graphics / AttrPriority=None; * to override default attributes (color, line type, and marker, etc); ods graphics on / width=9in height=6.5in scale = off;
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