I'm curious if anyone has thoughts about how to set up a power simulation. I have a sample of 70 people who have completed 12 sessions of therapy, which consists of 5 different skill modules delivered in a random order. With proc mixed, I used an indicator variable representing the skill modules as a predictor of continuous depression symptoms at each session. The Type 3 test of fixed effects for the indicator variable was significant - specifically, depression was significantly higher during one module compared to the others. I'm not sure, though, how to set up a simulation with a multicategorical predictor since SAS seems to calculate the Type 3 tests automatically and separately from the modeling input. For reference, I'm most familiar with Lane and Hennes' power code, which covers continuous and binary predictors but not categorical ones: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/suppl/10.1177/0265407517710342
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