Steve, Good that you asked about FIXTWO because there is also a minor issue there which I am not sure if it is related to this Hausman un-calculability. No issues with FIXONE, Pooled OLS, Parks and DaSilva though as far as generating readable results. The PROC PANEL codes for FIXTWO are: *Fixed effects or within estimator; proc panel data=data; id Country Monthyear; model VARA = VARB VARC VARD VARE /FIXTWO; label VARA = 'Variable A' VARB = 'Variable B' VARC = 'Variable C' VARD = 'Variable D' VARE = 'Variable E'; run; The output is: Intercept 1 1968.87 158.6 12.41 <.0001 Intercept VARB 0 0 . . . Variable B VARC 1 3.730877 0.9410 3.96 <.0001 Variable C VARD 1 -0.05416 0.0139 -3.88 0.0001 Variable D VARE 1 0.003923 0.000224 17.52 <.0001 Variable E You see the similarity in the Hausman Test output and the FIXTWO output for VARB? The log says: "The transformed regression does not have full rank. User should be aware of possible multicollinearity and/or estimability problems before using FixTwo method results."
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