Some newer virtual labs are set up to copy and paste text directly to and from the Virtual Lab without any extra steps, but others require you to use the Citrix clipboard to transfer text between the Virtual Lab and your local machine.
Say you’ve logged in to your Virtual Lab using your Web browser and Citrix. You’ve written a nice program in Notepad on your local computer, and you want to paste that code into SAS Studio in the Virtual Lab:
You highlight and copy the Notepad code, but when you try to past it into the Virtual Lab, it doesn’t work. Try using the Citrix clipboard like this:
Click on the Citrix menu “hamburger” at the top center of the web page:
In the pop-up menu, click on the Clipboard icon:
Paste your code into the Clipboard window that pops up.
Close the Clipboard window, click in the SAS Studio code editor in the Virtual Lab, and press ctrl-V to paste in your code. And violá – your code appears in SAS Studio.
To copy text out of the Virtual Lab to your local machine, reverse the process:
Highlight the text in the Virtual Lab, and press ctrl-c to copy
Open the Citrix clipboard as done above, and press ctrl-v to paste the text into the Clipboard pop-up window, then click Update: (A note “Copied to Session clipboard" appears.)
Highlight the text, and press ctrl-C to copy the text to your local machine’s clipboard.
In your local machine, put the cursor where you want to insert the text and press ctrl-v:
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