You are given 3 existing SAS data sets: Patient Demographic, Prescription, and Medical. Patient Demographic Variables: patient_id [numeric] sex {‘M’,’F’,’U’} race {0,1,2,3,4,5} birthdt [character (8) mmddyyyy format] Prescription Variables: patient_id [numeric] fill_dt [character (6) yymmdd format] pharmacyid [numeric] drugcode [numeric] pills [numeric] Medical Variables: patientid [numeric] servicedate [character (6) yymmdd format], providerid [numeric] source [character (3) format ‘aaa’] servicecode [character (5) format ‘annnn’] diagnosiscode1 [character (3) format ‘nnn’] diagnosiscode2 [character (3) format ‘nnn’] diagnosiscode3 [character (3) format ‘nnn’] I was given the above code and requested to -- Generate a report on the proportion of: patients on any drug, patients with any physician visit, and patients on any drug or with any physician visit. Report the distribution of: # of physician visits per patient, # of patients per drugcode, # of patients per diagnostic grouping, and # of prescriptions per drugcode. please I need help. While searching I saw I have to calculate binomial proportion with proc freq. am I on the right track? or do proc power?
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