This is an old post, so maybe already solved. But here is another possible resolution for future people searching. I also use a parameter to add a data refresh date to a text box. I load my data to CAS with a refresh date character column formatted how I want it to display in VA. Then, in VA I create a required user prompt based on this refresh date data item (only contains one unique value). I assume this is what hilal1422 did as well in the original post to get the date parameter, or something similar. At first, I hid my required ("mock") user prompt on a hidden page in the report. I also set the user prompt to update every 1 seconds. When I did this I experienced the prompt and parameter combo not updating automatically when new data was pushed to CAS. I opened this support track (7613487958 - I followed that advice of doubling up on the user prompt so that the "Initially select first item" checkbox would appear in the options. That may work long term and certainly seemed to work better, but I have still experienced times when the prompt parameter combo seemed to not update. What I have sense done (thanks to a advice from a fellow VA user), and what I believe will work better and 100% of the time, is move the required user prompt to the same page as the text box parameter and hiding it in a precision container behind another object. I think this may be the key to solving my issue, and possibly the original issue of this ticket. Again, the user prompt the parameter is based on must be hidden on the SAME page as the text object the parameter is used in.
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