I am sorely confused. Your question subject is "exporting data from msword to SAS". PDF files are not Word files. Txt files are text and have none of the features of Word so I am confused where exactly Word comes into this.
Suggestion for any future questions: when you get an error or other message in the Log you do not understand, copy the text from the log of the procedure or data step code along with all the notes, warnings and errors. On the the forum open a text box and paste that text. Then we can see everything related. The text box is important to maintain the formatting of any diagnostic characters SAS provides and the message windows will reformat text. It also helps to separate such text from general question/comment/description.
I say this because the code you show would not have executed enough to tell you the file the doesn't exist because the INFILE statement is one word, not "in file" as you show.
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