I'm not exactly sure where the issue is (the report or the data prep), but depending on what you are doing you should be able to automate it with some code.
From my limited understanding of the issue, I would
- create a program that prepares the data how I need it. Eventually create a job that will execute it daily/weekly/monthly/etc. The job would prep the data as necessary, then update the previous older table.
- create the report in Visual Analytics that would use the table above as it is updated daily/weekly/monthly/etc.
From my understanding, you are documenting all available CAS tables in a caslib and looking to check when it's been modified? Here is some CASL code with an action to identify all tables in a caslib:
cas conn;
proc cas;
library = 'casuser';
table.tableInfo / caslib = library;
My output with some fake tables. Notice the Created and Last Modified columns:
TableInfo gives me created date and last modified dates. You can add the results = option to save this result as a CASTable (or SAS DATA set) and execute some code to try and do any data prep you need.
Here is the code to save the table above as a CAS Table:
proc cas;
library = 'casuser';
table.tableInfo result = ti / caslib = library;
* store the dictionary as a table*;
CASTables = ti.TableInfo;
* Save the table as a CAStable*;
saveresult CASTables casout='listoftables' caslib=library;
Then you could use some DATA step code to manipulate that CAS table how you want it for the report. Then update the previous table that the report is using.
* Connect SAS to your caslib *;
libname casuser cas caslib = 'casuser';
* Execute data step to manipulate the table*;
data casuser.prepdata;
set casuser.listoftables;
* Here i'm simply converting the string date to a date value in SAS*;
DateUpdated = datepart(input(ModTimeFormatted,ANYDTDTM.));
format DateUpdated date9.;
I am a bit confused by this part:
I have stumbled upon several obstacles that make rendering the Dashboard quite time consuming as it requires a significant amount of manual manipulation every time new datasets are imported. For example, every time I update the information in the Dashboard by importing new datasets, I must manually change the column names/labels, reassign roles to each dataset for report objects, reapply any rules and filters to report objects and remap linked report objects.
What do you mean by new data set is imported? Do you mean a new data set is being added to the library?
I'm also not sure why you need to change column names/labels, reassign roles to report objects and more. Once you create a report and save it this should already be done and stored and using a CAS table. Are you creating a new report each time you update your main table?
- Peter
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