@pratikjageera wrote:
Hi Kurt ,
This is the code (details modified a bit).
libname mylibhe sashdat path="/hps/expl/mylib" server="xyz560n.abc.xyz.net" install="/opt/sas/software/TKGrid" ; libname mylible sasiola port=10404 tag="hps.expl.mylib" host="xyz560n.abc.xyz.net"; data myds_part; set mylible.myds; run;
data mylibhe.myds_part(partition=(my_col)); set work.myds_part; run; proc metalib; omr (library="VA HDFS MyLib Explore" ); update_rule=(noupdate); report; run;
So both mylible and mylibhe reside on the remote server?
In that case, think of 150GB divided by network bandwidth, and you have your answer.
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