I was wondering if anyone could help point me in the right direction with a problem I'm having with the MIAnalyze procedure. I created a multiple imputations data set with 5 imputations and now would like to combine the results using MIAnalyze. I first ran a proc logistic with a class statement (as all my covariates are categorical) and then ran the MIanalyze procedure. I keep getting an error message that "the variable cat_matchage is not in the covb= data set." I think the reason is that the new data set now has broken down cat_matchage into the various levels (i.e. cat_matchage1, cat_matchage2, etc.). Code below: proc logistic data=reach.matrixmi; class infection (PARAM=REF REF='0') cat_matchage(PARAM=REF REF='1') mrace(PARAM=REF REF='White Non Hispanic') meduc (PARAM=REF REF='<High School') fincome(PARAM=REF REF='<$35,000') msmokmo(PARAM=REF REF='NA') momAgeBirth(PARAM=REF REF='<25'); model uni_regout(event="1")= infection cat_matchage mrace fincome meduc msmokmo momagebirth/ covb; by _imputation_; format meduc feduc educationnewf. fincome mincome incomenewf.; where reachdata=2; ods output parameterestimates=MI.infection covB=MI.covbinfection; run; proc mianalyze parms=mi.infection1 covb=mi.covbinfection1; modeleffects intercept cat_matchage mrace meduc fincome msmokmo momAgeBirth; run; Any guidance would be much appreciated thanks!
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