Hi, this program will do the job for you. Apart from the declarations, only the last statement is executed for each input line, and that single statement will do the job for jou. No PRXPARSEs, no checks for missing or empty lines or whatsoever. The power of the 'INPUT @ 'text string' is terribly powerful yet almost unknown ... Eventually, following changes may be required: -1- It your date is not in the DD-MM-YY format, replace the first ATTRIB line accordingly -2- Fill the proper reference to your input in the INFILE statement below DATA AnyName; ATTRIB Date Format = ddmmyyd8. InFormat = ddmmyy. Time Format = time5. InFormat = time. Trm Format = $8. User Format = 8. Cmd Format = $2. Table Format = $5. Meter Format = 12.2 Inventory Format = 12.2 Patron Format = 4.; RETAIN Date; INFILE TextFile; IF _N_=1 THEN INPUT @ 'TRANSACTION FILE LISTING FOR' Date @ 'DETAILS'; INPUT Time Trm User Cmd / Table Meter Inventory Patron; RUN;
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