Hi, we have a problem with setting the line thickness of ODS graphics for destination RTF. Using the following program we get figures with the correct thick lines for HEIGHT for destinations LISTING and PDF, but it is not possible to set the line thickness for destination RTF. proc template;
define statgraph test;
layout overlay;
seriesplot x=AGE y=HEIGHT / lineattrs=(thickness=10px color=purple pattern=20) ;
seriesplot x=AGE y=WEIGHT / lineattrs=(thickness=2px color=blue pattern=1 ) ;
ods graphics on / noborder reset=all width=16.5cm height=14.8cm imagename="Figure";
ods listing gpath="h:\weist" image_dpi=300;
ods pdf file="h:\weist\test1.pdf" style=listing;
ods rtf file="h:\weist\test1.rtf" style=listing;
proc sgrender data=sashelp.class template=test;
ods rtf close;
ods pdf close;
ods listing close;
ods graphics off;
Has anyone a suggestion what's the problem ?
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Hi ballardw, thank you for the comment. But we are only 3 or 4 people using this solution and would only enter normal ASCII text (no special characters and no copy and paste at all). Best regards, Gerd
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Hi Cynthia, thank you very much for your response. My problem is that I don't simply want SAS to make no text wrapping in Excel. I would like to transform SAS data into Excel, then make some data entry (maybe some rather long text entries, which should be wrapped in the Excel cells) and then reimport into SAS without losing any information, such as blanks which are replaced by line feeds. Best regards, Gerd
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Hi, I would like to export a file via ODS EXCEL and then reimport the new generated Excel file via PROC IMPORT. My problem is that ODS EXCEL wraps lines in the table cells if there is not enough space.This would be no problem but unfortunately the blanks get lost between the last word in the first line and the first word in the second line. So the values of the variables are not the same after PROC IMPORT. At the position of the blank now is a line feed (0A'x) So I could replace this line feed with blank again after reimport. The problem is that line feeds will also be included if the wrapping is in the mid of a word because of lacking cell space. Afterwards I don't know, if there was a blank at the position of the line feed before or not. Here is a test program: filename mdata "c:\test.xlsx"; ods excel file=mdata; ods excel options (sheet_label="TEST" sheet_name="TEST"); data test; test1='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX; test2='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; test3='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; test4='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; test5='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; run; proc report data=test nowindows; column test1 test2 test3 test4 test5; define test1 / display ; define test2 / display ; define test3 / display ; define test4 / display ; define test5 / display ; run; ods excel close; proc import datafile="c:\test.xlsx" out=test dbms=xlsx replace; sheet="TEST"; run; Has anyone a solution for this or a workaround Thanks Gerd
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The value of the variables in the SAS dataset TEST as result of PROC IMPORT is 'ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ' without the blank between T and U because of the line feed in the excel cell. But maybe there is a hidden special character there, because I have copied this from the SAS dataset and the line feed is still there, but not visible in the data ? Best regards, Gerd
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Hi, I would like to export a file via ODS EXCEL and then reimport the new generated Excel file via PROC IMPORT. My problem is that ODS EXCEL wraps lines in the table cells if there is not enough place.This would be no problem but unfortunately the blanks get lost between the last word in the first line and the first word in the second line. So the values of the variables are not the same after PROC IMPORT. Here is a test program: filename mdata "c:\test.xlsx"; ods excel file=mdata; ods excel options (sheet_label="TEST" sheet_name="TEST"); data test; test1='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; test2='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; test3='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; test4='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; test5='ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ'; run; proc report data=test nowindows; column test1 test2 test3 test4 test5; define test1 / display ; define test2 / display ; define test3 / display ; define test4 / display ; define test5 / display ; run; ods excel close; proc import datafile="c:\test.xlsx" out=test dbms=xlsx replace; sheet="TEST"; run; Has anyone a solution for this or a workaround Thanks Gerd
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