Need to pre-define table with Create table statement, not delete it before load 219 data mydblib.zipterr_rbu_&qtr 220 (bulkload=yes 221 bl_internal_stage="user/someuser" 222 BL_COMPRESS=yes); 223 set idata.rbu_&terr._zip 224 ; SNOWFLAKE: AUTOCOMMIT turned ON for connection id 1 SNOWFLAKE_1: Prepared: on connection 1 SELECT * FROM "CDW_US_ASB_GBA_DB"."zipterr_rbu_Q221b" WHERE 0=1 DBMS_TIMER: summary statistics DBMS_TIMER: total SQL prepare seconds were: 0 DBMS_TIMER: dbiopen/dbiclose timespan was 0. ERROR: The SNOWFLAKE table zipterr_rbu_Q221b has been opened for OUTPUT. This table already exists, or there is a name conflict with an existing object. This table will not be replaced. This engine does not support the REPLACE option. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: Due to ERROR(s) above, SAS set option OBS=0, enabling syntax check mode. This prevents execution of subsequent data modification statements. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 2.62 seconds cpu time 0.75 seconds
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