Thanks for your extended note. I'm not attempting to do the greplay in this note. My goptions: I'm printinto into tagsets.rtf and the device actximg is the best for colors. See 3d graph at bottom. MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): GOPTIONS reset = all device = actximg border xpixels = 600 ypixels = 400 nodisplay HTITLE = 12PT htext = 10pt vsize = 21cm hsize = 20cm colors = (blueviolet aquamarine yellow white lightblue lightgreen yellow lightred white blueviolet lightblue aquamarine lightgreen grey lightred lightyellow orangered red ) cback = black ; MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): AXIS1 label = ( "OPTOM_PRESC" height = 3 font = "Arial/Bo" color = yellow position = right ) value = (height = 2 color = yellow font = "Arial/Bo" ) ; MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): AXIS2 label = ( "TOTAL_SPEND" height = 3 font = "Arial/Bo" color = yellow justify = left ) value = (height = 2 font = "Arial/Bo" color = yellow) ; MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): AXIS3 value = (height = 2 color = YELLOW font = "Arial/Bo" ) label = ("MODEL_PROB" height = 3 font = "Arial/Bo" justify = center color = yellow) ; This is my g3d code MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): ; MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): PROC g3d DATA = nospline ; MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): PLOT rescaled_var1 * rescaled_var2 = MODEL_PROB / caxis = white ANNO = NEWANNO zmin = 0 zmax = 1 GRID STYLE = 4 ctext = blue ctop = blue cbottom = YELLOW xaxis = axis2 yaxis = axis1 zaxis = axis3 zticknum = 5 xytype = 3 xticknum = 5 yticknum = 5 tilt = 55 rotate = 55 des ='' name = "G3D_1"; MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): title j = center color = white bcolor = darkblue font = helvetica BOLD height = 12pt "4_2_1. BMI: Model Prob Projected on 'OPTOM_PRESC & TOTAL_SPEND'"; MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): title2 j = center color = white bcolor = darkred font = helvetica BOLD height = 10pt "'M2_TRN_TREE' Resc. vars within [0; 1] Horiz. plane at 0.5"; MACROGEN(RPRT_BMI_PDP_3D): RUN; My greplay, (which I'm not running at the moment, no time to get more headaches at the moment) proc greplay /*gout = gcat.GSEG */ cc = clrmap /*igout = gcat.GSEG */ nofs tc=sashelp.templt template=l2r2; /* provided, 2 boxes left, 2 boxes right */ device png /* win; */ ; treplay 1:G3D_1 2:G3D_2 3:G3D_3 4:G3D_4; /* treplay 1:g3d 2:gchart; does not find g3d and gchart i do not know why. */ run; quit;
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