I am reporting on a customer satisfaction survey with SAS VA and this is all new to me. I normally use SPSS and have found SAS VA to be quite the learning curve. Background: I created a calculated item to summarize one of our questions. I used the IF/THEN statement where 1= Very satisfied 2= Satisfied etc. This part I am good and have displayed it on a cross tab (see attachment). My question is - i'd like to have a table that shows only the "Very Satisfied + Satisfied" total count and col %. When I try to do this using the filter option I noticed that it affects my total counts and column %. Is there a way to just hide the other values and keep "Very Satisfied + Satisfied" numbers only? I know there is a way to do this but am completely stuck on how to do that. Any help from this community would be awesome. Thanks in advance!
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