Hi, I am trying to compare two surveys, the two surveys were answered by same bunch of people, which means one person answered two surveys at the same day. The two surveys are all 5 point-likert scale(but for another survey, it seems no one picked 5), and I want to compare them. I used Bhapkar's test because it can used to compare two repeated variables with more than two categories, and I used the below codes:
proc catmod data=check_fix;
response marginals;
model X*Y = _response_ / oneway;
repeated carc 2 / _response_=carc ;
But it had error
ERROR: The number of response functions per population, 7, is not a multiple of the product of the number of levels of the factors, 2. You may need the PROFILE option if the design is not a complete factorial.
So, I tried to add profile in the code:
proc catmod data=check_fix;
response marginals;
model X*Y = _response_ / oneway;
repeated carc 2 / _response_=carc
profile=(1 1,
1 2,
1 3,
2 1,
2 2,
2 3,
3 1,
3 2,
3 3,
4 1,
4 2,
4 3,
4 4,
5 1,
5 2,
5 3,
5 4);
But it also had error:
ERROR: The number of response functions, 7, must be a multiple of the number of rows in the PROFILE matrix, 17.
I have no idea what's going on. Can I use this procedure or are there any other methods that I can use to analyze my data? Thank you!
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