Thank you Udo.
All thing with forcasting studio look interesting, with a lot of options, but we don't have licence for that product.
We use data miner, but resaults are not so easy for interpretation.
Thank you,
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thank you for answering.
I have more then 540 variables and according to seasoning and trend component I would like to try diffenet forcasting methods for different kind of variables.
Hope there is another way to detect sesasoning index and trend exept ploting variable by variable.
Is there another method?
Kind regards,
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I have timeseries data set and I want to find out if there is a trend or seasoning component.
Which SAS analiysis or procedure need to aply and which parameters could tell me that data set has trend or seasoning component?
Thank you!
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Thank you Ruiwen. I get missing values for all critical values(by default method predicted to be negative)... Would you be so kind to recommend me some documents about time series predicting methods? Regards,
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Can somebody help me to get positive predicted output values. Which method to need to be set in node TS Exponential Smoothing node in Enterprise MIner 12.1? Kind regards,
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