Hi, I am trying to use the msoffice2k_x tagset and imbed images and fit tables to one legal size page. I am using options that are shown in the info on this tagset (http://support.sas.com/rnd/base/ods/odsmarkup/msoffice2k/index.html#Display) and should be valid based on the syntax of the tagset code. Also in the end I would like to center the results in the page (which i can do with excelxp tagset, but want image that is why trying msoffice_2k_x). ***** tried papersize 2 ways (neither is working); %let psize2 = legal; Options papersize=&psize2.; ****** tagest for excel for rp9 first sheet; ods tagsets.MSOffice2K_x STYLE=Styles.smallerfont file="&cmp._Region_Breakdown.xls" options(sheet_name="&rgn1. & &rgn2." gridlines="yes" papersize="legal" fittopage="yes" image_path="../../../../../lib/b_end/logo.gif" orientation="portrait"); /* text from creating tagset set $valid_options["FITTOPAGE"] "Modifies the page settup fit to page option"; set $valid_options["LEADING_ZERO"] "retains leading zeroes"; set $valid_options["ROTATE_HEADERS"] "Provides rotation values for headers. Works in cunjunction with the HEIGHT= option"; set $valid_options["HEIGHT"] "Modifies the height of the headers"; set $valid_options["ZOOM"] "Applies zoom to each table individually by specifying zoom value separated by a comma"; set $valid_options["OPEN_MACRO"] " Adds a macro which executes when the worksheet loads "; set $valid_options["CLOSE_MACRO"] " Adds a macro which executes when the worksheet closed"; set $valid_options["PANELCOLS"] "Panels tables and graphs"; set $valid_options["PANEL_SPACE"] "Adds the number of blanks cells to add between tables or graphs"; set $valid_options["IMAGE_PATH"] "Path to image or logo"; **** define event check_valid_options; break /if ^$options; iterate $options; do /while _name_; do /if ^$valid_options[_name_]; putlog "Unrecognized option: " _name_; done; next $options; done; */ *** from my log; NOTE: Writing TAGSETS.MSOFFICE2K_X Body file: BD1211B5_Region_Breakdown.xls v1.0 Unrecognized option: FITTOPAGE Unrecognized option: IMAGE_PATH
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