Hello, You could fix this with a data step and tranwrd. Below you can see an example (with example dataset) that gives the result you want in 2 steps. data work.sastest; input VAR1 $char6.; format VAR1 char6.; datalines ; USE_01 USE_12 USE_03 ; run; data work.sastest2; set work.sastest; VAR2= tranwrd(VAR1,'USE_',''); VAR3= tranwrd(VAR2,'0',''); run; Hope this helps you!
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Hey there jennifert, Thanks for your response, but this has not resolved my issue. This option was already enabled in my SAS EG 8.3 instance. It seems that this option only opens your output data automatically when you open the task in the project and run it. When I right click the task in the process flow of my project and click run no tab is opened. There is also no tab opened when I simply run the whole project. In SAS EG 7, no matter how you ran the task, the output table of the last task would be opened automatically in a new tab and the focus would be shifted there. I want to replicate this behaviour in SAS EG 8.3.
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Hey there SASKiwi, In SAS EG 7 the last output object would be automatically opened when running a project. If I would have a project with 2 queries and a 1-way frequencies task as the last step in there it would open the results from the 1-way frequencies task automatically and shift focus to the tab. You would also automatically see the results in the same way when selecting a single task in a project and right clicking on it to run the task. You were able to change this behaviour under Tools > Options > Results > Results General > 'Automatically open data or results when generated'. When this was toggled off you would see no output, much like SAS EG 8 when either running the whole project or running a task separately. I would like to see the same behaviour in SAS EG 8: when I run a project or a single task by right clicking on it to run it I want to see the last output object generated automatically.
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Hello PhilC, Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately this did not solve my issue. Even when I have the 'Output data' as default tab to display the resulting dataset from my query is not displayed in a new tab after I click 'Run project'. The dataset is visible in my project but I want SAS EG to open the resulting dataset automatically in a new tab and shift the focus to that tab as was done in SAS EG 7. For more context, here is an older question in which a user wanted to achieve the opposite of what I want in SAS EG 7: https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Enterprise-Guide/Output-Automatically-Opens/td-p/435900 If I am unclear please let me know.
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Hello, Is there a way to make SAS EG 8 open the output of queries automatically as was done in SAS EG 7 when running projects? When I have a project with a query in it, and I press 'Run project', the resulting table would be opened automatically in SAS EG 7 in a new tab and the focus would be shifted to that tab automatically as well. When I do the same in SAS EG 8 the result of my query is not shown when running the project. I thought there would be an option like in SAS EG 7 to disable or enable this. This option was found under Tools -> Options - > Results -> Results General "Automatically open data when generated" in SAS EG 7 but I can not find it in SAS EG 8. When going through the documentation on SAS EG 8 and its' new features I was also unable to find anything... Is there an option like this in SAS EG 8 and am I unable to find it? Or is it simply gone? Thank you in advance for your help.
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