I am running a two-level multivariate logistic regression model in PROC GLIMMIX. My relationship of interest of the association between "intervention" and "outcome". My clustering variable is "level2". My moderating variable is "class" and I am adjusting the model for "a", "b", "c", and "d" confounders. All variables are categorical. I am interested in identifying the effect if "class" on the relationship between "intervention" and "outcome". Most of the interaction terms in the Solutions for Fixed Effects tables are significant (p<0.001), although the type III tests of fixed effects shows a non-significant p-value for the overall "intervention*class" term (p=0.3881). The intervention*class Least Squares Means are all significant (<0.001). I am not exactly sure how to interpret these tables and could use some advice. I am then provided with the Simple Effect Comparisons of intervention*class Least Squares Means By class. From my understanding, these are the effect estimates of the relationship of interest, stratified by my class levels. Is this correct? Also, is there a way to compare these effects apart from just observing to see if the ORs overlap? Thank-you! proc glimmix data=cares2;
class level2 outcome (ref="No") intervention(ref="No") a(ref="No") b(ref="No") c(ref="No") d(ref="No");
model neurooutcome = intervention a b c d intervention*class / dist=binary link=logit ddfm=bw solution oddsratio;
random intercept / subject=level2;
lsmeans intervention*class / slicediff=class oddsratio cl ilink;
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