W is just an example name. The main point is to have a library that is usually same as WORK, but which I can change to some permanent library like SASUSER if needed. And I'm kinda of just started this "transition" to this new system so anything can be still changed if a better solution is found 🙂 OPTIONS USER=library; doesn't unfortunately help in this case. It is the same as using W except instead of writing W. in front of your table names you instead write nothing. The final result remains the same: defining USER=WORK results datasets in the process flow to point at WORK, not USER or "nothing", and then changing USER=SASUSER results datasets in the process flow to point at SASUSER, which breaks the link chain, since your program was assuming the source data of each program block to be from WORK. Another downside is that EG built-in blocks like query builder do not support "nothing" as library reference. You will have to specifically name the library where you want to put the dataset in. Though you can of course tell it to go to USER-library.
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